Dark Realms is virtually a classic RPG, however unlike most classic RPGs it also includes a built-in Level Creator and a whole pile of built-in tools allowing others to make adventures of their own :) This is a freeware game designed and programmed by myself (Hawk), feel free to pass it around as much as you want. Good luck!
Update to v0.875
Posted By: Hawk Date: August 4, 2005
Alright, I needed a break from my other projects so I started screwing around on Dark Realms again... hehe and it sucked me back =p
So I did a few pretty big updates on it (no images yet though) and here is the breakdown (which can also be found in your changes.txt file)
Version 0.85 - 0.875
1. Revamped the graphics engine to handle level refreshing differently, now maps can be as large as I like (But I limit it to save you the headache of waiting for a 500x500 level to save =p Loading is no problem and happens fast but compiling the string of tile stats just takes forever on a map that big)
2. Level size limits updated to 18-200 for width and 17-200 for height. Also worth noting is how width and height is now based not on the ending number of the scale but the total number of squares on the map (so 18 width is now 0-17 not 0-18). You will need to update your maps accordingly.
3. Loading sped up slightly, saving sped up more significantly
4. Optimized various areas of the level creator
5. Changed the battle system math a bit, now attack/defence determines your chance to hit/miss by comparing %'s formula now works like this: chance to hit = your attack / (your attack + target defence)
6. Fixed bug with level creator where it was messing up what you wanted to do (eg: you click start location and decide to choose a tile instead, but when you placed the tile it moved the start location instead of setting the tile)
7. Fixed bug that showed blank messages between messages that were pasted (even if you wanted it typed). Only occured when you pressed space during the readout (so pasted the message, it never turned off)
8. Fixed bug that Would cause a crash if you fought a monster, died, and tried to play another game or custom level
9. Fixed a bug that would cause a crash if you tried to play the same level when it was currently open
10. Fixed bug in Ground Items that caused instability when trying to remove items from a pile
11. Min and Max damages now show correctly
12. Fixed various other bugs, including improper de-activation of the play area when going to the level creator and vice versa.
13. Added 'Journal' to Event Creator Action list, you can now put entries in the player 'journal' (accessible with the 'J' key) that are triggered with a variable (by default the journal entry is labelled '[NOT COMPLETED]' but once the activation variable is set to 1 it will change to '[COMPLETED]')
14. Directly Pasted NPCs are no longer shown and no longer available, this is due to the graphics engine updates (all NPCs are now updated real-time, so directly-pasted NPCs save no resources). Simply edit any NPCs that are directly pasted and change them to Manip NPCs
15. Added several sfx to the Resource Pack, also added some NPCs and updated Unlikely Hero with the new changes (including the Journal)
Downloads are up
Posted By: Hawk Date: January 22, 2004
Okay, now the Downloads are up... I am still making the admin side of them but I have the database stuff all done and it shows a few that I manually put in the database. The way it looks now WILL CHANGE EVENTUALLY, I know it doesn't look very appealing yet hehe
